Research grants:1993: A.R.Manara and A.S.Carney. To look at airway abnormalities following percutaneous tracheostomy. Cook Critical Care Grant.
1995: A.S.Carney and N.S.Jones. To look at immunological abnormalities in patients with idiopathic rhinitis. Glaxo plc. 1997: A.S.Carney and N.S.Jones. To look at local irritancy following nasal drug administration. Danbiosyst Ltd. 1997: A.S.Carney and N.S.Jones. Supplementary grant for work on idiopathic rhinitis. GlaxoWellcome plc. 2001: A.S.Carney, L-W.Tan and P-J.Wormald. Is a localized Th2, IgE-mediated inflammatory response a factor in the pathophysiology of both Allergic Fungal Sinusitis (AFS) and Chronic Fungal Sinusitis (CFS) ? The Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation. 2002: L.Sanchez, C.Lund and A.S.Carney. The beliefs of Aboriginal families about hearing loss in their children. Centre for Remote Health. 2005: L-W.Tan, P-J.Wormald and A.S.Carney. The localized application of antigen-CpG oligonucleotides to modulate chronic mucosal inflammation: A novel therapy for sinus disease. The Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation. 2007: A.S.Carney, E.H.Ooi, L.W. Tan and P.J.Wormald. The Innate Immune Systemin Chronic Rhinosinusitis: The role of lysozyme. The Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation. 2007: K.Reynolds and A.S.Carney. A virtual reality simulator for tonsillectomy. Arthrocare (Australia). 2008: A.S.Carney, D.Hussey and D.Watson. Mucin mRNA expression in the larynx of patients with Laryngopharyngeal Reflux. Flinders Faculty of Health Sciences – Seeding Grant. 2008: A.S.Carney, D.Hussey and D.Watson. Does Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Diesease have a role in adenoid tissue hypertrophy in children – as identified through the presence of pepsin, depression of carbonic anhydrase III and induction of cyclo-oxygenase2 expression. A non-randomised control trial. Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation. 2008: A.S.Carney, D.Hussey and D.Watson. Gut flora in the hypertrophic adenoid: detection of the Helicobacteraceae family in adenoid tissue of children with hypertrophic adenoids. Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation. 2008: K.Reynolds, A.S.Carney and R.Sacks. The GPRWMF Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Simulator. The Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation. 2008: L.Sanchez, A.S.Carney and K.Sparrow. Can swimming pools improve indigenous children’s hearing? Department of Health and Ageing (Commonwealth). 2009: A.S.Carney, D.Hussey and D.Watson. Gut flora in the hypertrophic adenoid: detection of the Helicobacteraceae family in adenoid tissue of children with hypertrophic adenoids. Faculty of Health Sciences, Flinders University. 2009: Clinical data extraction regarding ENT patient outcomes for a variety of Coblation-assisted procedures. A.S.Carney, S. Robinson, N.L. Knoblauch. Arthrocare Plc. 2009: S.Robinson, A.S.Carney. Patient outcomes following surgery for obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. Arthrocare ENT. 2010: D Hussey, A.S.Carney, M. Michael, G. Rees, S. Krishnan, A. Estermann and D.Watson. Using molecular markers to study the link between laryngopharyngeal reflux and upper aerodigestive tract malignancy. The Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation. 2011: A.S.Carney, C.Woods, D.Kennedy, J.Martin, D.Wabnitz. Sub-total reduction adenotonsillectomy (SRAT) versus full adenotonsillectomy for treatment of sleep disordered breathing (sleep apnoea and chronic snoring) in children: a randomised controlled trial. Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation. 2011: C.Woods, A.S.Carney, E.H.Ooi. Water flux through the nasal epithelium:implications for oedema and nasal secretions in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Faculty of Health Sciences. 2011: S.Meyer, P.Ward, A.S.Carney, N.Dean. A qualitative study investigating patient trust in a two-tiered healthcare system. Flinders Medical Centre Foundation Competitive Grants. Book ChaptersA.S.Carney (2008) Malignant otitis externa. In: Scott Brown’s Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery (OHNS) 7th edition. Hodder Arnold. London. ISBN: 9780340808931. pp3336-41.
A.S.Carney (2008) Otitis externa. In: Scott Brown’s OHNS 7th Ed. pp 3351-7 A.S.Carney (2008) Herpes Zoster Oticus. In: Scott Brown’s OHNS 7th Ed. pp 3379-82 A.S.Carney, N.Patel &R.Clarke (2008) Foreign Bodies in the ear and upper aerodigestive tract in children. In: Scott Brown’s OHNS 7th Ed. pp 1184-93 P.L.MacFarlane, A.S.Carney (2008). Hearing loss in adults. In: How to Treat 2008, pp 89-94. ISBN 1-921127-02-03 |
Published papers:C.M.Trotter, A.S.Carney and J.A.Wilson (1989). Mast cells distribution and morphology in human nasal turbinates following decalcification. Rhinology:27;81-89.
S.J.Moralee, A.S.Carney, M.P.Cash and J.A.M.Murray(1994). The effect of fibrin sealant on postoperative pain in tonsillectomy. Clinical Otolaryngology:19;526-528. A.S.Carney and P.J.Robinson (1995). Assessment and management of snoring: a surgical perspective. British Journal of Hospital Medicine:53;515-521. A.S.Carney and J.P.Birchall (1995). How to use an otoscope. Student BMJ: 3;231-3. A.S.Carney and P-J.Robinson (1995). Recent Advances: Assessment and Management of Snoring. Surgery:13(8);174-175. D.Birchall, A.S.Carney and M.H.Morse (1995). Ruptured Adrenal Artery Aneurysm. Clinical Radiology:50;732-733. A.S.Carney, J.Weir and D.L.Baldwin (1995). Contamination with blood during management of epistaxis. BMJ:311;1064. A.S.Carney, N.Patel, D.L.Baldwin, H.B.Coakham and D.R.Sandeman (1996). Minimally Invasive Otolaryngology: The Use of The I.S.G. Viewing Wand. Journal of Laryngology and Otology:110;322-327. A.S.Carney and N.S.Jones (1996). Review: Idiopathic rhinitis: Idiopathic or not?. Clinical Otolaryngology:21;198-202. A.S.Carney, J.F.Sharp and N.J.A.Cozens (1996). Atypically located submandibular gland diagnosed by Doppler ultrasound. Journal of Laryngology and Otology:110;1171-1172. R.C.Law, A.S.Carney, and A.R.Manara (1997) Long term outcome after percutaneous dilational tracheostomy. Endoscopic and spirometry findings. Anaesthesia:52;51-56. A.S.Carney and N.S.Jones (1997). How to examine the nose. Student BMJ:5;100-101. S.J.Bakri, A.S.Carney, R.N.Downes and N.S.Jones (1998) Endonasal Laser-Assisted Dacryocystorhinostomy: Superior to Conventional Treatments for Epiphora? Clinical Medicine:59;210-215. A.S.Carney (1998) Perennial Rhinitis. CME Bulletin. Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery:2;62-64. N.S.Jones, A.S.Carney and A.Davis (1998). The prevalence of allergic rhinosinusitis: A review. Journal of Laryngology and Otology: 112;1019-1030. N.S.Jones, P.A.Smith, A.S.Carney and A.Davis (1998). The prevalence of allergic rhinitis and nasal symptoms in Nottingham. Clinical Otolaryngology: 23;547-554. S.Sood, A.S.Carney, M.S.Quraishi and P.J.Bradley (1999) Carcinoid Carcinoma of the Larynx. Australian Journal of Oto-laryngology: 3;271-274. N.D.Bateman, A.S.Carney and K.P.Gibbin (1999). An audit of the use of abbreviations in Otolaryngological operation notes. Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh: 44;94-95. A.S.Carney, D.A.Nunez, S.B.Nair and S.S.M.Hussain (1999). Trends in the UK contribution to the otolaryngological literature. Clinical Otolaryngology: 24;26-30. C.L.Malluci, V.Ward, A.S.Carney, G.M.O’Donoghue. and I.Robertson (1999). Clinical features and outcomes in patients with nonacoustic cerebellopontine angle tumours. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry: 66;768-771. A.S.Carney (1999). JLO Travelling Fellowship Report: Reconstruction and Facial Plastic Surgery in New York. Journal of Laryngology and Otology : 113;590-592. S.Bakri, A.S.Carney, K.Robinson, R.N.Downes and N.S.Jones (1999). Quality of life outcomes following dacryocystorhinostomy: external and endonasal techniques compared. Orbit : 18;83-88. A.S.Carney, V.Ward, C.L.Mallucci, G.M.O’Donoghue, I.Robertson, D.L.Baldwin, A.R.Maw and H.B.Coakham (1999). Meningiomas involving the internal auditory canal: A diagnostic and surgical challenge. Skull Base Surgery: 9;87-94. A.S.Carney and K.P.Gibbin (2000). Perceptions of ENT Training. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England: 82;62-65. S.Arena, A.S.Carney and P-J.Wormald (2000). The use of the harmonic scalpel and post-operative pain following tonsillectomy – A prospective randomised clinical trial. Australian Journal of Oto-laryngology: 3;495-497. A.S.Carney, N.D.Bateman and N.S.Jones (2000). Reliable and reproducible anterior active rhinomanometry for the assessment of unilateral nasal resistance. Clinical Otolaryngology: 25; 499-503. H.Pau, A.S.Carney, R.Morgan, and G.E.Murty (2000). Is oestrogen therapy justified in the treatment of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia: a biochemical evaluation. Clinical Otolaryngology: 25;547-550. R.J.Soane, A.S.Carney, L.Illum, S.S.Davis, A.C.Perkins, M.Frier and N.S.Jones (2001). The effect of the nasal cycle on mucociliary clearance. Clinical Otolaryngology: 26; 9-15. D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson, A.S.Carney, D.Jenkins and N.S.Jones (2001). Evidence for an inflammatory pathophysiology in idiopathic rhinitis. Clinical & Experimental Allergy: 31; 864-872. H.Pau, A.S.Carney, and G.E.Murty (2001). Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia – Otorhinolaryngological manifestations. Clinical Otolaryngology: 26;93-98. C.Fahy, A.S.Carney, T.Nicolopoulos, C.N.Ludman and K.P.Gibbin (2001). Cochlear implantation in children with large vestibular aqueduct syndrome and a review of the syndrome. International Journal of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology: 59;207-215 A.S.Carney, D.Hooi, D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson and N.S.Jones. Autoanti-IgE antibodies in patients with allergic and idiopathic rhinitis (2001). Clinical Otolaryngology:26;298-301 A.S.Carney, D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson and N.S.Jones (2002). Atypical nasal challenge results in patients with idiopathic rhinitis: more evidence for the existence of “localised allergy”? Clinical & Experimental Allergy: 32; 1436-1440 D.T.Wee, P-J.Wormald, M.Thorpe and A.S.Carney (2002) Endoscopic orbital decompression for Graves’ ophthalmopathy. Journal of Laryngology & Otology: 116;6-9 C.Fahy, A.S.Carney and P.J.Bradley (2002) Trifurcated pharyngeal pouch: a case report and proposed pathogenesis. Australian Journal of Oto-laryngology: 5; 39-42. K.D.Kirihene, A.S.Carney, G.D.Rees, S.Nair, M.Collins and P-J.Wormald (2002) A Reliable Protocol For The Measurement Of Nitric Oxide In The Nose And Paranasal Sinuses. Australian Journal of Oto-laryngology: 5; 114-121. A.Psaltis and A.S.Carney (2003) Radiofrequency coblation for the treatment of advanced laryngotracheal papillomatosis. Australian Journal of Oto-laryngology: 6;86-88. D.G.Powe, C.Jagger, A.Kleinjan, A.S.Carney, D.Jenkins and N.S.Jones (2003) ‘Entopy’: localized mucosal allergic disease in the absence of systemic responses for atopy. Clinical & Experimental Allergy: 33; 1374-1379. D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson, A.S.Carney, D.Jenkins, A.R.McEuan, A.F.Walls and N.S.Jones (2004) Mucosal T-cell phenotypes in persistant atopic and non-atopic rhinitis show an association with mast cells. Allergy: 59: 204-212. A.S.Carney, L-W.Tan, D.Adamd and P-J.Wormald. (2004) Is a localized Th2, IgE-mediated inflammatory response a factor in the pathophysiology of both Allergic Fungal Sinusitis and Chronic Fungal Sinusitis? Proceedings of 5th SERIN: Medimond. 45-46. S.P.Rajapaksa, D.L.McIntosh, C.K.L.Shaw, A.Cowin, A.S.Carney and P-J.Wormald (2004) The development of an animal model for the study of Endoscopic sinus surgery. Proceedings of 5th SERIN: Medimond. 65-66. A.S.Carney and P-J.Wormald (2004) The current management of rhinosinusitis. Medicine Today: 5(11); 27-32. A.S.Carney, L-W.Tan, D.Adams, A.Varelias, E.H.Ooi, P-J.Wormald (2006). Th2 immunological inflammation in allergic fungal sinusitis, nonallergic eosinophilic fungal sinusitis, and chronic rhinosinusitis. American Journal of Rhinology. 20:145-9. A.Grobbler and A.S.Carney (2006) Radiofrequency coblation tonsillectomy. British Journal of Hospital Medicine. 67:309-12. N.Polites, S.Joniau, D.Wabnitz, R.Fassina, C.Smythe, P.Varley, A.S.Carney (2006). Postoperative pain following coblation tonsillectomy: randomized clinical trial. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 76:226-9. S.Joniau, I.Wong, S.Rajapaksa, A.S.Carney, P-J.Wormald (2006) Long-term comparison between submucosal cauterization and powered reduction of the inferior turbinates. Laryngoscope. 116: 1612-6. A.S.Carney and P-J.Wormald (2006) The medical management of rhinosinusitis. Modern Medicine of South Africa: 5(1); 16-20. E.H.Ooi, P-J.Wormald, A.S.Carney, C.L.James, L-W.Tan (2007) Surfactant protein d expression in chronic rhinosinusitis patients and immune responses in vitro to Aspergillus and alternaria in a nasal explant model. Laryngoscope: 117; 51-7. S.Joniau, A.Bradshaw, A.Esterman, A.S.Carney (2007) Reflux and laryngitis: A structured review. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery: 136; 686-692. E.H.Ooi, P-J.Wormald, A.S.Carney, C.L.James, L-W.Tan (2007). Human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide is upregulated in the eosinophilic mucus subgroup of chronic rhinosinusitis patients. American Journal of Rhinology: 21; 395-401. P.L.MacFarlane, A.S.Carney (2007). Hearing loss in adults. Australian Doctor: 8; 29-36. E.H.Ooi, P-J.Wormald, A.S.Carney, C.L.James, L-W.Tan (2007). Fungal allergens induce cathelicidin LL-37 expression in chronic rhinosinusitis patients in a nasal explant model. American Journal of Rhinology: 21; 367-372. A.S.Carney, M.S.Timms, C.N.Marnane, S.Krishnan, G.Rees, S.Mirza (2008) Radiofrequency coblation for the resection of head & neck malignancies. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery: 138; 81-85. A.S.Carney, P.K.Harris, P.L.MacFarlane, S.Nasser, A.Esterman (2008). The Coblation tonsillectomy learning curve. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery: 138; 149-52. A.S.Carney, D.I.Watson (2008) Human Ethics and Research Governance: Implications for Surgical Research. ANZ Journal of Surgery: 78; 421-423. P.L.MacFarlane, S.Nasser, W.B.Coman, G.Kiss, P.K.Harris, A.S.Carney (2008). Tonsillectomy in Australia: An audit of surgical technique and post-operative care. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery: 139; 109-114. P.K.Harris, D.J.Hussey, D.I.Watson, G.C.Mayne, A.Bradshaw, S.Joniau, L.W.Tan, P-J.Wormald, A.S.Carney (2009). Reflux changes in adenoidal hyperplasia: a controlled prospective study to investigate its aetiology. Clinical Otolaryngology 34; 120-126. T-H Low, P.Harris, A.Esterman, A.S.Carney (2009) Pain versus bleeding risk following tonsillectomy: Do patients and doctors agree? Journal of Laryngology & Otology: 123; 1015-1022. S.Chawla, A.S.Carney (2009) Organ preservation surgery for laryngeal cancer. Head & Neck Oncology: 1:12. S.Robinson, M.Chia, A.S.Carney, S.Chawla, P.Harris, A.Esterman (2009) Upper airway reconstructive surgery long term quality-of-life outcomes compared with CPAP for adult obstructive sleep apnoea. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery: 141; 257-263. L.Sanchez, K.Sparrow, A.S.Carney, D.Turner (2010) Whole-of-population studies of ear health and hearing in remote and urban Indigenous school-age children in South Australia, Public Health Bulletin SA, 7 (3), 27-31. A.S.Carney, A.S.Evans, S.Mirza, A.Psaltis (2010) Radiofrequency Coblation for treatment of advanced laryngotracheal respiratory papillomatosis. Journal of Laryngology & Otology: 124; 510-514. A.S.Carney (2010) The Australian Supplement to Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery : 142(3); S1 A.S.Carney (2010) Tackling the Indigenous ear problem in Australia – Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery: 143 (5); S2 A.S.Carney. Subtotal tonsil surgery for the treatment of sleep disordered breathing in children. (2010) ENT News: In Press. J.M.Wood, J.C.Hobson, A.S.Carney (2011) Recurrent Nasal Polyposis. Journal of ENT Masterclass. 3: 32-37. J.M.Wood, P.K.Harris, C.M.Woods, S.Mclean, A.Easterman, A.S.Carney (2011). QOL after sub-total vs total adenotonsillectomy in Australian Children with OSDB. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 81:340-344. D.J.Hussey, P.K.Harris, C.M.Woods, A.C.Thomas, E.H.Ooi, A.S.Carney (2011). Does Helicbacter pylori cause adenoid hypertrophy in children. Archives of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery. In press. C.M.Woods, D.Hooper, E.H.Ooi, L.W.Tan, A.S.Carney. Human Iysoyzme has fungicidal activity towards nasal fungi. American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy. In Press. J.M.Wood, D.J.Hussey, E.H.Ooi, L.W.Tan, A.S.Carney. Biomarkers in Laryngopharyngeal Reflux. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. In Press. H.Joshi, B.A.Woodworth,A.S.Carney. Coblation for epistaxis management in hereditary telangiectasia patients – a multicentre case series. Journal of Laryngology and Otology. In Press.. d) Letters and Abstracts: C.M.Trotter and A.S.Carney (1987). Mast Cells in the Human Nasal Mucosa (Abstract). Journal of Anatomy:155;d20. E.Borman, S.Carney, D.Duffin, T.Males, M.Porter, K.Reid, M.Irving, R.Alderslade, D.R.Cullen and J.Wight (1992) Junior doctors on the warpath (letter). BMJ:304;502-3. A.S.Carney, D.L.Baldwin, N.Patel and D.R.Sandeman (1994). Virtual Reality Surgery in Otorhinolaryngology (letter). BMJ:309;1233. A.S.Carney and J.Sharp (1995). Feeding complications (letter). Hospital Update:21(8);37 A.S.Carney, N.Patel, D.L.Baldwin, D.R.Sandeman and H.B.Coakham (1995) Intra-operative Image Guidance: The use of the ISG Viewing Wand in Skull Base Surgery (Abstract). Journal of Laryngology and Otology:109;792 A.S.Carney (1996) Junior doctors’ hours: Don’t blame the Junior Doctors Committee (letter). BMJ: 312; 187. A.S.Carney and N.S.Jones (1996). Patient Selection for Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (letter). Chest:110;864 N.J.A.Cozens, J.F.Sharp and A.S.Carney (1996). Assessment of pre-operative investigations of thyroglossal cysts (letter). Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh:41;423-424. R.C.Law, A.S.Carney, and A.R.Manara (1996) Long term follow-up after percutaneous tracheostomy: Airway abnormalities (abstract). Clin Int Care:7;168. A.S.Carney, V.Ward, C,Malluci, G.M.O’Donoghue and H.B.Coakham (1997). Meningiomas involving the internal auditory canal - A diagnostic and surgical challenge (Abstract). Skull Base Surgery: 7 (Suppl 2); 47. C.V.Malluci, V.Ward, A.S.Carney, G.M.O’Donoghue and I.Robertson (1997). The management of unusual cerebellopontine angle tumours (Abstract). Skull Base Surgery: 7 (Suppl 2); 47. A.S.Carney and N.S.Jones (1997). The Classification of Rhinitis (Letter). CME Bulletin. Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery: 1(4); 112. A.S.Carney, and A.R.Manara (1998). The use of magnetic resonance imaging to assess tracheal stenosis following percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy (Letter). Journal of Laryngology and Otology: 112; 599. A.S.Carney, and N.S.Jones (1998) Establishing accurate and reproducible unilateral anterior active rhinomanometry in the non-decongested nose (Abstract). Allergologie: 21; 566. A.S.Carney, R.J.Soane, N.S.Jones, M.Frier, A.Perkins, S.Davis and L.Illum (1998). The effect of the nasal cycle on mucociliary clearance (Abstract). Allergologie: 21; 576. A.S.Carney, S.Bakri, K.Robinson, R.J.Downes and N.S.Jones (1998) Symptom and quality of life scores after dacryocystorhinostomy (Abstract). Allergologie: 21; 577-8. A.S.Carney and N.S.Jones (1998) Nasal challenge in patients with idiopathic rhinitis: evidence for “localised allergy”? (Abstract). Allergologie: 21; 581. A.S.Carney, Y.Lau, D.J.Houghton and S.K.Krishnan (1999) Function and Quality of Life Following Partial Laryngeal Surgery. (Abstract). The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery: 69; A48. A.S.Carney, S.J.Bakri, K.L.Robinson, R.J.Downes and N.S.Jones (1999) Changes in quality of life following dacryocystorhinostomy: external and endoscopic-laser techniques compared (Abstract). Clinical Otolaryngology: 24; 86. A.S.Carney and N.S.Jones (1999). Endoscopic inferior dacryocystorhinostomy (Letter). Clinical Otolaryngology: 24; 80. S.Krishnan, Y.Lau, D.Wee, D.Haughton and A.S.Carney (1999). Function and quality of life following partial laryngeal surgery (Abstract). Journal of Laryngology & Otology: 113(suppl.23); 9. R.J.Soane, A.S.Carney, N.S.Jones, A.C.Perkins, M.Frier, S.S.Davis and L.Illum (1999). The effect of the nasal cycle on mucociliary clearance (Abstract). Clinical Otolaryngology:24;369. D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson, A.S.Carney, D.Jenkins and N.S.Jones (1999). Evidence for Idiopathic rhinitis being a variant form of allergic rhinitis (Abstract). Immunology:98S1;27. A.C.Perkins, A.S.Carney, R.J.Soane, M.Frier, S.S.Davis, L.Illum and N.S.Jones (2000). A dual nuclide study to assess the effect of the nasal cycle on nasal drug delivery (Abstract). Nuclear Medicine Communications:21;374. D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson, A.S.Carney, D.Jenkins and N.S.Jones (2000). Idiopathic and allergic rhinitis show a similar inflammatory response (Abstract). Clinical Otolaryngology:25;570. D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson, A.S.Carney, D.Jenkins and N.S.Jones (2000). Idiopathic and allergic rhinitis show a similar Th2 cellular infiltrate. J Pathol:192;A29. D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson, A.S.Carney, D.Jenkins and N.S.Jones (2000). Are mast cells responsible for prolonging the chronic inflammatory response seen in rhinitis? (2000). Journal of Pathology, 192, 29A. H.Pau, A.S.Carney, R.Morgan and G.E.Murty (2000). Is oestrogen therapy justified in the treatment of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia: a biochemical evaluation (Abstract). Clinical Otolaryngology:25;570. D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson, A.S.Carney, D.Jenkins and N.S.Jones (2001). Is Idiopathic Rhinitis A Highly-Localised Form Of Allergic Rhinitis, Confined To The Nasal Mucosa? (Abstract) J Allergy Clin Immunol:107(2);S239. D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson, A.S.Carney, D.Jenkins and N.S.Jones (2001). Supportive evidence for a Th2 inflammatory response in idiopathic rhinitis. Clinical and Experimental Allergy: 31(7); 36. A.S.Carney, D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson, D.Jenkins and N.S.Jones (2001). Is idiopathic rhinitis localised allergy? Clinical and Experimental Allergy: 31(7); 35. D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson, A.S.Carney, D.Jenkins and N.S.Jones (2001) Is Idiopathic Rhinitis A Highly-Localised Form Of Allergic Rhinitis, confined to the nasal mucosa? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: 107(2); 784S. A.S.Carney, D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson and N.S.Jones (2001). A detailed study of patients with idiopathic rhinitis. (Abstract) Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery125;P62. A.S.Carney (2002) Laryngeal Cancer – The Adelaide Experience. (Abstract). The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery: 72; A40. D.Wee, A.S.Carney, M.Thorpe and P.J.Wormald (2002) Endoscopic orbital decompression for Graves ophthalmopathy. (Abstract). The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery: 72; A41-42. A.S.Carney and S.B.Nair (2002) Publishing trends in otolaryngology in the UK (Letter). Clinical Otolaryngology:27;204. A.S.Carney, D.G.Powe, R.S.Huskisson and N.S.Jones (2002). A detailed study of patients with idiopathic rhinitis. (Abstract) Australian Journal of Oto-laryngology:5;67 A.S.Carney, K.D.Kirihene, G.D.Rees, S.Nair, M.Collins and P-J.Wormald (2002) A Reliable Protocol For The Measurement Of Nitric Oxide In The Nose And Paranasal Sinuses. (Abstract) Australian Journal of Oto-laryngology:5;53 G.D.Rees, D.Ruske and A.S.Carney (2003) Treatment of Recurrent Adult Laryngeal Papillomatosis with cidofovir: A report of ten cases. (Abstract) Australian Journal of Oto-laryngology:6;50. A.S.Carney, L-W.Tan, D.Adams and P-J.Wormald. (2003) Is a localized Th2, IgE-mediated inflammatory response a factor in the pathophysiology of both Allergic Fungal Sinusitis and Chronic Fungal Sinusitis? (Abstract) Australian Journal of Oto-laryngology:6;53 A.Psaltis and A.S.Carney (2003) Radiofrequency coblation for the treatment of advanced laryngotracheal papillomatosis (Abstract). Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery: 131;P137. N.Patel, T.Athanasiadis, G.Rees, A.S.Carney and S.Krishnan. (2004) Supraglottic squamous cell carcinoma: endoscopic transoral laser resection compared with open supraglottic laryngectomy. (Abstract) Australian Journal of Oto-laryngology:7;106 A.S.Carney, M.S.Timms (2006) Radiofrequency Coblation: Head & Neck Malignancies (Abstract). Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery:135; P190 A.S.Carney, G.Kiss, P.K.Harris, S.J.Nasser (2007). The Coblation tonsillectomy learning curve (Abstract). Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery:137(2 Suppl 1); P85. A.S.Carney, P-J.Wormald (2008). Management of nasal polyps with steroids: the current literature (Letter). Clinical Otolaryngology: 33; 31. A.S.Carney (2009). Management of Otitis Externa (Abstract). Clinical Otolaryngology: 34(Suppl 1); 4. J.Wood, A.S.Carney (2011) Lateral pharyngeal diverticulum. (Letter) Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery. 144 (2); 29 J.C.Hobson, G.Ruthenbeck, A.S.Carney, R.Sacks, K.Reynolds (2011) Realistic vasculature and vasoconstriction in a virtual reality sinus surgery simulation. (Abstract??) British Rhinological Society, Edinburgh. (in press) |
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